Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Independence - Part 1(b)

The Independence Movement

Part 1(b): 'Super Men' Who Support Me

I have been incredibly lucky to have wonderful men in my life, young and old, who have given me strength and courage during my journey. I want to express gratitude and let them know how blessed I am to have them. I also hope that other men are inspired to be as much of a treasure to their wives, daughters, sisters and mothers as mine have been to me. I will try not to cry as I write this. And since I have been brought up in a somewhat superstitious family - knock on wood, knock on wood, knock on wood for all of these blessings.
  • My amazing father. The kindest, toughest, most compassionate, most courageous soul I know. A REAL man and real-life superhero. For those of you familiar with my Buddhist practice, he is a true "boddhisattva". If it wasn't for my dad, I wouldn't have had even a fraction of the spiritual understanding, resilience, and optimism that has kept me going through my life. My mom was a huge supporter and cheerleader for me, but if Dad hadn't allowed me the room to grow, yet another female spark would have been snuffed out. He has always had the guts to do what was right for me, even if it went against conventional wisdom, and when he had hundreds of well-meaning (and not-so-well-meaning) people offering contrary advice.
  • My amazing husband. What can I say here without embarrassing him? He's my best friend, and his default attitude is to let me be me. He wants me to do my best and live my dreams. His calmness balances out my constant need to do things. He says I'm a role model (and I'm pretty sure he means it). I am floored by that one.
  • (so much for not crying while writing this)
  • My amazing sons. Both of them. Our young man who is starting high school this month, for being a sweet, mature, helpful big brother and overall easygoing kid who doesn't complain about my cooking, or about much else, for that matter. And our little one who shows understanding and compassion far beyond his 8 years. He makes me smile every day, and even goes around telling his friends he's proud of the work his mommy is doing (as long as I don't spend too much time in the office :-)
  • My uncles (maternal and paternal), and my father-in-law. I've grouped them because they're similar in their attitudes towards me. Mostly non-judgmental, supportive people who always have time to talk to me and take an interest in my life. They are never critical or disapproving, always kind and appreciative.
  • My (cousin) brothers - I used to feel bad that I didn't have brothers, but then I found that I actually do. So what if they are technically cousins. great guys who love teasing me but equally love providing support and encouragement (and entertainment and cricket news and gourmet recipes and good company for my boys)!
  • My friends. The men, I mean (I will dedicate an entire post to my girl friends!). Having gone to a 90% male engineering college, followed by business school and workplaces that have been predominantly male, I have a good number of male friends who I value.  They have been supportive and helpful (in times of need) and just plain good company (in times of fun!). I am lucky for having had classmates and colleagues who have been friends for years, and will be for many more.